斯沃特台灣 | 財務數位轉型諮詢
斯沃特台灣是亞洲領先的一站式財務數位化轉型諮詢公司,在實施財務自動化項目和其他幫助企業實現工作流程自動化的雲端解決方案方面擁有超過 14 年的經驗。我們是 2023 年度解決方案提供商獎 – Workday 新星合作夥伴,與該地區最大的雲端顧問團隊之一合作。 Shearwater 台灣提供一套雲端解決方案,包括雲端企業資源規劃 (ERP)、企業績效管理 (EPM)、賬戶對賬和財務結算流程自動化、公司間財務整合、整合和工作流程自動化平台。
Optimise Your Procurement with Workflow-Driven Approval Processes for Cost Certainty
Companies in the digital age still find themselves manually managing their procurement workflows. This is a process that is prone to errors and duplication that can be costly.
Shearwater Taiwan offers cloud procurement solutions that enable businesses to automate the procurement process and ensure they are able to purchase required goods or solutions in a timely, orderly and cost-effective manner.
Our cloud solutions for procurement covers the entire process, from source-to-settle, supplier management, budget management, right through to contract management, all in one single platform that provides you with a real-time view into company spend and vendor performance.
The cloud procurement solutions we offer, allows you to manage the entire procurement process in one single platform.
This covers the entire procurement lifecycle encompassing requisition, sourcing, RFQ, generation of purchase orders, receipt and payment of invoices, all in a single cloud platform.
Having a good supplier in tow also means the need to cultivate good relationships with your suppliers.
Manage the sourcing process, purchase orders, digitse invoicing, and submission of forms in one single platform, and also ensure frictionless onboarding for your suppliers to ensure quick adaptation.
Automate processes such as spend tracking, in addition to allowing users to specify details such as financial year and budget amount.
Set your budget codes when you raise purchase requests, purchase orders, and also invoices. Route approvals to the correct budget controller who manages this process.
Automate your procure-to-pay process to ensure your pre-negotiated contract is optimally utilised. You can now manage matters related to contract management such as renewals in one single platform.
The contract management cloud solution we offer has a procure-to-pay module that enables you to switch between contracts and purchase orders in a matter of clicks.
Ensure each department performs with the best solutions. Our cloud solutions for procurement can be easily integrated with the different solutions that you may use for different functions. .
This plug-in framework enables users to integrate our procurement solutions with very little, or no coding at all required.
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斯沃特台灣是亞洲領先的一站式財務數位化轉型諮詢公司,在實施財務自動化項目和其他幫助企業實現工作流程自動化的雲端解決方案方面擁有超過 14 年的經驗。我們是 2023 年度解決方案提供商獎 – Workday 新星合作夥伴,與該地區最大的雲端顧問團隊之一合作。 Shearwater 台灣提供一套雲端解決方案,包括雲端企業資源規劃 (ERP)、企業績效管理 (EPM)、賬戶對賬和財務結算流程自動化、公司間財務整合、整合和工作流程自動化平台。