斯沃特台灣 | 財務數位轉型諮詢
斯沃特台灣是亞洲領先的一站式財務數位化轉型諮詢公司,在實施財務自動化項目和其他幫助企業實現工作流程自動化的雲端解決方案方面擁有超過 14 年的經驗。我們是 2023 年度解決方案提供商獎 – Workday 新星合作夥伴,與該地區最大的雲端顧問團隊之一合作。 Shearwater 台灣提供一套雲端解決方案,包括雲端企業資源規劃 (ERP)、企業績效管理 (EPM)、賬戶對賬和財務結算流程自動化、公司間財務整合、整合和工作流程自動化平台。
Integrate your different financial solutions and automate key processes and meet regulatory requirements and adhere to financial reporting standards by using Workato.
Your most vital, revenue generating business processes such as configuration, pricing and quoting, contracts, invoicing, billing, orders, revenue recognition, and renewals can all be automated through Workato integrations. Workato integrations for finance cover various solutions including Salesforce, Zuora, Oracle NetSuite, and Stripe.
Automate the accounts payable and procurement processes by integrating a wide range of solutions that include ADP, Gusto, Oracle NetSuit, Bill.com, DocuSign and Stripe among others. You can then set in motion procurement requests for new inventory or assets while recording payments status and history.
A small mistake caused by the manual entry of data can sometimes lead to hefty punishments in the form of fines by regulatory authorities. Avoid this by integrating different key systems such as Oracle NetSuite, and SAP with Stripe, Bill.com, ADP and much more.
Report your finances in a punctual, accurate and orderly manner by integrating and automating the workflows associated with financial reporting. Avoid duplications that can arise from having data from disparate sources, and reap the benefits of operational efficiencies.
Integrate finance systems and eliminate manual processes with Workato’s finance solutions integration.
Instantly connect your Finance systems with thousands of applications – cutting across various departments.
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斯沃特台灣是亞洲領先的一站式財務數位化轉型諮詢公司,在實施財務自動化項目和其他幫助企業實現工作流程自動化的雲端解決方案方面擁有超過 14 年的經驗。我們是 2023 年度解決方案提供商獎 – Workday 新星合作夥伴,與該地區最大的雲端顧問團隊之一合作。 Shearwater 台灣提供一套雲端解決方案,包括雲端企業資源規劃 (ERP)、企業績效管理 (EPM)、賬戶對賬和財務結算流程自動化、公司間財務整合、整合和工作流程自動化平台。